Joey Jo-Jo
JoinedTopics Started by Joey Jo-Jo
Jesus Is Jehovah/Jehovah Is Jesus
by snowbird in
i fought against this with all my wts-trained power, but truth prevailed.. any way you cut it, it comes out the same.. peace and strength in your search.. sylvia.
YHWH a minor pagan god: Ugaritic Texts and the Sons of El
by DoomVoyager ininteresting.. here is the first thing i've found on the subject, though i haven't read much of it yet..
Russell's Gravesite Pictures - (just got back from Pittsburgh)
by thecarpenter inwell folks, got back from my trip to see russell's grave site.
it was quite a interesting experience and sobering to see the pyramid right by his tombstone.
i'm kind of tired and will be hitting the sack soon but i wanted to post a few pictures.
Strange Progressive Dreams
by Casper ini have been widowed twice, once at 28 and again at 41.... .
since that time i had vivid dreams of both husbands.
my first husband, started out with me looking for him, everywhere.
There is no such thing as Agnosticism. Agnostics do not exist!
by nicolaou inmany here seem to believe that the position of agnosticism is somehow more reasonable than theism or atheism.
it is a misconception to believe that belief or non-belief in the existence of god/s are the two extremes which glare at each other over the fence of agnosticism.
Saturday District Convention notes: Don't research JW's online!!!!
by truthseeker inwith two thirds of my sentence complete, i am almost ready for parole.. there was some unbelievable stuff said today - i think there must be some sort of hallucinogenic gas coming through the ac, because no one batted an eyelid over what was said from the platform.. as usual, i will highlight the main talks.. .
"deliver us from the wicked one and from every sort of lawlessness" - matt 6:13, titus 2:14. .
JW's 'tattling' on each other - an ugly culture.
by Gregor inwhen i was an elder i often was approached by publishers who wanted to report some kind of bad conduct by a brother or sister.
this led to all kinds of unpleasant, unloving situations.
the first question of the accused was always "who told you this?
Apocryphal Jewish Tradition in the New Testament
by Leolaia inthe nt frequently refers to people and events of the ot, but time and again these references include details and assumptions that do not occur in the original ot narratives.
but these same elements are found, time and again, in extrabiblical jewish tradition.
taken together, we see that the nt writers drew on popular tradition and haggadah on the ot texts and thus preserved traces of these ancient expansions of biblical stories in their own writings.
The ten best ways to disrupt a District Assembly:
by czarofmischief in1. have an apostate food truck outside with free burritos and shasta cola.. 2. wear a smurf costume and run across the stage.. 3. bikini car wash across the street.. 4. have an old-school breakdancing session on the corner, cardboard and all.
bonus if you do it on a mat made of watchtowers and primary colored book covers.. 5. have a garage sale or flea market in the neighborhood during the afternoon session.. 6. sit in the audience and applaud everything that anybody says - try to get a standing ovation for each sentence of the closing prayer.. 7. put a recording of rap, heavy metal, or other forbidden music on instead of the kingdom melodies.. 8. get fifty of your friends to walk around in the stadium during the session, holding signs that say, "louder please!
" and "take your shirt off!
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.